Print ‘n Play Away!

Printnplay pageIt’s here Ladies and Gents! Our Print’n’Play edition. Yes, we’ve stuck with the fisher-price toy name, but we like the ring it has to it. After much hard work getting the PDF files ready, the email to download page set up, and the download link email automation set up (lost of dusting off the old HTML guides there), we’ve now launched our dedicated part of the site for the Print’n’Play edition. Wanna see?

In other news I’ve just entered the next coming two events into our calendar. September 7th we’re at Ton Ton club, the gaming cafe, for their birthday celebrations! Can’t wait to show them our madness once again. And then on the 17th of September we’ve been invited to join ROEST for their Oktoberfest event! That’s gonna be ‘schone und geil’, can’t wait to see a Pintcess in lederhosen!

IMG_20160811_200624I did mention 2 events, and I kinda lied. We’ve got a third one coming up beginning next week, but it’s actually a private do! The Vrij Universiteit is having their new students welcoming event at ROEST that night, and we’ve been invited again to come and help ‘break the ice’, or siege the castle if you like. Super duper chuffed we’ve been asked to help out for this, and we honestly can’t wait.

One the retail side of things our game continues to fly out of the shop doors. Phil recently had to once again restock the Gamekeeper. So if you don’t feel like the wait for postage (which is only a day, but hey!), you can snab a copy at theirs, as well as at Schaak & Go, the American Book Center, and Waterstones.

So, busy busy busy end of summer. Lovin’ it.

Until then, keep questing you fine drunks!


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