Last night, we hosted our second event at Roest. Though the weather was certainly not in our favor (thank Amsterdam for that), we did manage to get two simultaneous games of BaRPG going. This meant that our night reached peak chaos when we had two Drmunks sending each party sailing across the room. Joining in the fray was Phil who made hugging his partner Johno part of his Brewid’s action chain.
This chaos was amped up a notch when Johno decided to run around the room giving one certain player an extra level of difficulty. Though we try to be nice to our play testers, at one point the gloves gotta come off and then we’re in it to win it. Which in Phil’s game, was the case.
We’re incredibly happy to be given chances like this to host events around Amsterdam, and we’re currently looking to expand our venues. Roest so far has been most successful in bringing in players, and yet as we learned last night, it’s somewhat remote location makes it harder for some people to find us. It certainly would be convenient to imagine that somehow this is also part of the game.
In other news, we’ve managed to sell our 100th pack which means we are officially past halfway through our current stock. This means that we can start really planning our future, which means new and exciting things are coming your way as we prepare for Kickstarter.
Of these exciting things is a soon to be released, absolutely free downloadable PDF of the current beta deck. We’re doing this for a number of reasons:
1) It gives newcomers a chance to see the layout of the cards, and maybe even try out the game themselves. As a recommendation, if you do print the game, use plastic sleeves. After all, that’s what we did in the beginning.
2) It allows us a way to efficiently translate the game. By releasing multiple PDFs in varying languages we can effectively make cheat sheets for players less comfortable with English. Dutch first, and then hopefully German next.
3) It help us keep contact when it comes time to launch Kickstarter!
This PDF will most likely be released near the end of the month, beginning of September. Next week we’ll be attending Lowlands Music Festival here in the Netherlands, so for now we’re gearing towards that. For a hint of what our preparation details I will say this: Pink Unicorn Costumes and Plenty of Glitter. Woo!
So there’s good things coming for those who wait, but as always…
Till then Keep Questing you Fine Drunks,
-Phil & Johno