Despite the coming of our official Kickstarter launch on March 1st , we haven’t really been feeling too stressed. I would even say that we are in a state of relative calm as we finish off the few loose strands hanging about. For us, we can only compare the experience to walking the 4daagse (4 day marches) in Nijmegen last year. For anyone who knows the experience, we’re at the stage where all our blisters have been popped, our muscles are already at maximum soreness and the city centre is just a few steps away. Time to pop an Ibuprofen and finish this b…

In the meantime we have been busily play testing and promoting our game. Last Friday we were in Utrecht for a meet-up at Broers Stadscafe. Though the night was quite “gezellig,” we did find some time to demo some games of BaRPiG. Our first round of players was probably among the most honest players we have seen so far. Though the rules don’t require it, they were showing other players the “drink value” of each card before buying. I mention this only as a helpful hint in case you ever catch yourself with less than honest players. But really, who doesn’t mind a good cheat every now and then?
If you want a chance to join the madness before the big launch we still have some upcoming events, such as:
Feburary 11th
Funbase, Amsterdam, Vrijburg 2 (16:00)
Feburary 13th
Gaming Subcultures in Utrecht, Oudegracht 230 (19:00)
February 15th
Theatrecafe De Richel, Amsterdam, Nes 71 (20:00)
Feburary 19th
(Johno’s Birthday) Roest Pork Lunch, Jacob Bontiusplaats 1 (13:00)
March 1st – Kickstarter Launch Party
More information to come!
Ton Ton Club Centre, Polonceaukade 27 (18:00)
(*An exclusive item card will be available)
*For more information either contact us directly or refer to our Facebook page.
In other news, we have also started rounding up reviewers for our launch. Last Saturday we paid a house visit to Nox from Nox Spellenzolder. After being introduced to his pet chickens, we were given the grand tour of his home and holy-guacamole it is quite the haven of everything gaming related! Rumors from other developers spoke gloriously about his games attic, which is quite the collection indeed but nothing could prepare us for the other rooms in his house where the real surprises are kept. But maybe such information is only privileged to those who visit? Ahem…Spoiler warnings aside, all I’m saying is Nox’s home is definitely a place worth visiting if you ever invited.

Finally, this Sunday we will be finally getting a chance to look at the first montage of our promo video from our cameraman/editor Adiljo. Working with him has truly been a great experience and we are excited to see how the final product turns out. Just another piece of the larger puzzle but truly we can’t wait to share…
…Till then keep questing you fine BaRPiGS
Johno & Phil