Jonathan and I had just finished walking the 4daagse in Nijmegen when a most inconvenient disaster hit our website. The timing couldn’t have been more off. With the past four days spent walking a total of 55k each day, we weren’t exactly properly energized to deal with any major problem. Still, it is as Forest Gump once said so effectively, “Life is like a box of chocolates…” For sanctity’s sake, that’s the quote I’m going for. I know there is a more fitting quote I could use, but I’m a gentleman, and my mama always taught me not to swear while blogging.

We can’t be 100% sure what happened to our dear old website. What we suppose happened involved our previous free webhosting server having some kind of update that knocked out our website. Comparing our story to other stories we found on Google, this doesn’t seem to be so far off. Dang.
Anyways however it happened is irrelevant. Fact of the matter, one day our website was there and the next day it wasn’t. Fortunately, Jonathan and I had been talking about re-working our website and so this misfortunate provided us the perfect opportunity to do so. All this meant was that we would have to spend all day wracking our brains trying to remember how well our past selves prepared us for webhosting Ragnorak. Luckily, as it happened, pretty well. Most essential information was saved, so really it was just a cut and paste job from one host to the next, paid host.
In return for our efforts, we now have a brand new website on a much more secure host. Not only does this host offer back-up, but it also comes with other fun new features, a lot of which we will be implementing as we prepare for the next step in BaRPG’s development.
In the meantime, this Friday holds another big event for BaRPG here in Amsterdam. TonTon Club West has been so kind as to host a BaRPG tournament for us, giving us another chance to show off our fantastic game. It’s looking to be a fun event.
Till then, keep questing you fine drunks.