Into the Winter Solstice

wp-1482397771171.jpgThe end of the year is approaching us quickly, and on the BaRPiG side of things we’re full on Christmas mode. Phil’s parents have come to stay with us from Canada for a week, and it’s been pretty much family and friends all round. At the same time, the hours of preparation work has finally paid off. We’re now taking the holiday season to give ourselves a quick break before piecing all the various bits together. Fitting then to update you all on the shortest day of the year.

eThere are three elements that have really required a lot of detailed attention, and we’re coming round to having them done either by year’s end or in the first week of the 2017.

The first of those is gathering, specifying, and comparing manufacturing quotes. We’ve come up with a shortlist of 3 now, and we’ve given them the good news just before Christmas. We’re very happy with their great feedback and support, and we’re sure our final choice is gonna do BaRPiG justice.

Another thing that’s entered our manic schedule of things to do is of course creating a promo video for the Kickstarter campaign. Our dear friend Matt is helping us out with that, and whilst we’re getting a cameraman and editor lined up, our friends are being recruited, a concept has been thought out, and a script is getting typed out. We don’t wanna give too much away, it’s all top secret flying pigs kind of stuff.

18Thirdly, but not least, our logo is coming along in leaps and bounds. We had a Skype meeting with MJ, our illustrator again, and talked over the first full draft with placement and color options. She’s doing some amazing work, and I’m always impressed when she explains the basics of color and illustration psychology to us. She did get a degree in it afterall!

So, that’s all lined up for some serious progress in January next year. We’ve also talked to TonTon club about options for our launch party, and we’re going to be joining them for their Sunday gaming afternoons, the first one already planned for New Year’s Day. What’s better for a hangover than a round of BaRPiG?

wp-1482397571799.jpgThis will probably be our last blog of 2016. We’ve got some free days lined up boxing day onwards, but we’ll probably be full on busy with the promo video script and content-filling the Kickstarter campaign page. If we have a moment, we’ll naturally give you guys another heads up. Otherwise,

Merry Christmas to all and to all, keep questing you fine BaRPiGs!


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