It always feels like the ‘quietest’ weeks are actually the busiest! This week was no exception.
We’re gearing up for Spellenspektakel in Eindhoven this coming weekend. We’ve got a whole table for BaRPG, and our lovely assistant and partner in crime Lee-Netia will be coming to assist us as well.

Well, you guys deserve the sneak previews! Yes, BaRPiG is going to be officially debuted at Spellenspektakel, and this is the latest evolution from BaRPG that we’re going to be bringing to Kickstarter. We’ve registered the URL, we’ve opened a Kickstarter project slot with that name, all the groundwork is laid and steadily being filled in for our March 2017 launch.

And don’t worry, BaRPiG is still fully suitable as more than just any other drinking game 😉
So Eindhoven, here we come!
Until then,
Keep questing you fine drunks