Well, this was unexpected… After a stab in the dark at sending a message to local radio station 3FM here in the Netherlands, I got a phone call the next day from one of the afternoon show’s producers, Evert. They wanted to know what this whole BaRPG thing was about…
So, a little after 1pm, Tuesday 8th November, I found myself on live national radio with two of my favourite DJs, Timur and Ramon. Turns out that Timur is a bit of a tabletop game fan himself! As soon as they felt I was trying out a product pitch, they asked if I wanted to do an elevator pitch. Problem, our apartment doesn’t have an elevator.
What ensued was a good old Amsterdam-style stairwell pitch. In the space of about a minute, I had my chance to pitch BaRPG on the air. Talk about new experiences, challenging as it was it definitely helped, our website hits spiked and we suddenly got more orders in! (down to the last 40 now).
You can hear the interview and pitch on the audio fragment below (in Dutch only, sorry!). Timur and Ramon are also getting their own copy of BaRPG, which should arrive at the studio today. Curious as to how they like the game!
So, that was BaRPG’s first 5 seconds of fame on national media. Next step, THE WORLD! 😉
Until then, keep questing you fine drunks!