The Pigs are Taking Over!

barpig-logo-smallHave you noticed yet? BaRPG’s being vandalised!

OK, enough tabloid headlines. We have been busy this week really pushing our evolution and changes towards BaRPiG. A big part of this was renaming the website (URL to follow soon) as well as our Social Media presence (Twitter and Facebook are both now renamed to BaRPiG, soon to both be found at /barpiggame).

It feels good. This change has been a little bittersweet for us both, seeing as BaRPG really is our baby. Only I think we’ve come to accept that it’s always actually been BaRPiG. Funny, I think we’re starting to feel like parents who’s child has come out to tell us who it really is!

img-20161128-wa0001This weekend saw us busy at two events in a row to garner attention towards our Kickstarter as well as test the changes to our prototype. It’s still running very smooth, and the most changes end up being silly typos (feels familiar). Sunday Lies and the good people at Amsterdice had us over for an afternoon of fun gaming, where Phil even got to try out Dixit for the first time. Then yesterday evening Utrecht had their go at BaRPiG when Rodger and the Subcultures gang hosted us during their get-together in an old cafe cellar on the old canal. We even ran into Sebastian from Spellenspektakel there as well!

img-20161128-wa0008Both times we came to meet yet another fellow game-industrial who we’re beginning to call a friend. Joost has recently launched his own Kickstarter, Hylaria, and after having played the game ourselves we can definitely vouch for a great little gaming gem! Check out the Kickstarter page here. €20 for a neat little party game, it’s such a steal we signed up for a copy as well! Help him out and share the love peeps!

pig4Plans this week? There may yet be another little blog, with yet another little reveal! I’m free the whole week to finalize receiving manufacturing quotes, and Phil and I have started building our Kickstarter page and the associated rewards structure. MJ’s working hard on the art, and again we’re so chuffed to have her on our team (check out her amazing art and illustration work here!)

Steaming on ahead, looks like we’re gonna have almost everything set up and ready to polish off the edges by years end!

Until then, keep questing you fine barpigs!


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